VW.Bro Maurice Adams Deputy Provincial Grand Master
Firstly, and most importantly, thank you for your continued help and support during what can only be described as interesting times.
You will be aware from the latest First Rising that the Grand Master has indicated that Masonic Meetings may now resume.
Within the Province of Sussex, it has been the custom for a member of the Provincial Executive and Escorting Officer to attend Installation Meetings and to support the Lodge when they Install their new Worshipful Master and his Team. Additionally, the Provincial Team also supports those Lodges which hold any celebratory or special meetings such as Banner Dedications, Dedications of Working Tools etc.
The COVID-19 pandemic has with regret, required the Province to revise these arrangements and until further notice there will be no Provincial Team visits however wherever possible we will still endeavour to provide a Provincial Representative to attend Installation Meetings.
I am contacting those Lodges with upcoming Installation Meetings to ascertain their intentions and once that information is available discuss how the Provincial Executive can continue supporting Lodges on what is for all an incredibly special occasion. We fully appreciate the amount of work undertaken by so many Lodge Members when organising Installation Meetings and we also understand the disappointment which Lodges may feel regarding these revised arrangements. However, the health, safety and security of our Members is paramount in our planning process.
I am sure we all look forward to the time when we can enjoy the hospitality and fellowship for which the Province of Sussex has an enviable reputation.
VW.Bro Maurice Adams
Deputy Provincial Grand Master