

Dear Brethren and Companions of Sussex,

The American Elwyn Brooks White once wrote, “To perceive Christmas through its wrapping becomes more difficult with every year” by which he meant with all the commercialization, tawdry tinsel and Xmas jingles, faux sentimentality, over-indulgence and even eschewing the very word Christmas, it is difficult to discern, let alone act upon, the true Christmas message.

Fortunately, however, our Provincial Grand Chaplain was on hand, in his brief homily to us at our Royal Arch Carol Service last Sunday, to remind us that, as Freemasons, it is a time of hope and goodwill and that we should practice that goodwill in our daily lives not just at Christmas but throughout the whole year; put simply not only be kinder to, look after and help others, but take the time to do so even if, perhaps especially if, it means that we spend a bit less of our time and our resources on our own indulgences.

Not only is this part of the Christmas message but very much also the thrust of the masonic message. Be kind, in all ways, to one another. Let it be so.

Veronica and I wish you all a very Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Chris Moore

ProvGM & GSupt

December 2024

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